So much has happened and so little I don’t know where to start. I do know one thing. I’m not to say I’m going to start consistently bloging again. Every time I say that it’s a year to the next post.
I’m taking classes full time. Computer classes in graphic design. The computer stuff isn’t intuitive for me but its coming. The design part is even worse. It’s like I’m going to a dry well. When I do have an idea it seems trite. This week is the first week of completely original projects. I will just have to dedicate the time to do them and just get them done, and done with “good craft” as my instructor says. Clean edges, neat mats, no fingerprints, and to hope that the composition either comes to me during the work or takes care of it’s self.
But my knitting is going very well. I have finally knitted art. And a whole series of them too. 3 sets of mittens from my handspun. The color play, the asymmetry, the angst. And the thing is, with them all I did was make sure I was using good craft. I was just sat down and knit some good mittens with excellent yarn and the rest took care of it’s self.
So as I say every time I blog I need to learn to use my camera. I should know soon since 2 of my classes are using Dreamweaver and Photoshop. Those two programs that are all about photos and posting them. Then it will just be up to me to figure out how to get them off of the camera.
Today I am knitting a kitchen towel. I decided that it was time to use 3 small balls of red cotton that I have hauled all over the Midwest and back again. They had out lived potential and had turned into guilt so it was time for them to go.
Also today I tried to find yarn from my stash to knit baby sweaters. Mission Falls cotton to be exact. The yarn from before it was discontinued and brought back. The good yarn. I bought this yarn to be baby sweaters but now it’s too special to be used. I played with it a while by stacking it in piles of color before putting it back. I think I will have to knit me a sweater or two from it and then the leftovers can go into baby sweaters. Maybe.