Monday, August 21, 2017

Eclipse 08.21.2017

My house was in the path of the total eclipse. This morning a severe rain storm rolled though with thick black clouds, high winds, and another lightening strike to my trees but by 11:30am start of the eclipse the clouds had parted. I had a normal work day, however, I was able to nip out to see it progress and then at the time of the eclipse everyone was given half an hour away from their desk so I saw the full eclipse and watched the sun reemerge.

I did it old school with a pinhole projector and just looking at it during the totality so I wasn't able to take photos of the sun as I didn't want to risk my iPhone. My eyes- sure, but not the iPhone. Instead I bring to the blog-

The Phases of Galen

 12:30pm it's noticeably darker
 12:45pm dusk, like just after the has sun has passed the horizon at sunset. This was as dark as I was expecting.
1:09pm at totality and it's dark enough the camera gives up the ghost. I would call this deep twilight, not quite night dark but much darker than I would have ever guessed.

My neighborhood had a nice half an hour of shooting off fireworks and having a celebration before wrapping it up as another workday.

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