Thursday, July 03, 2008

A Dirty Bathroom Mirror and Some Sweater Love

Shutter bug

Next time I should clean the mirror...

And crop the photos better...

But my oh my, look at that sweater...

It was a about a year ago I counted up my sweaters and realized I was unhappy with my success rate. That hard look about overlooking things that were just sort of good enough has made a huge difference in my knitting. Since then I have knitted my best sweaters and this is one of them.

Stripes Go Round from IK summer 2004, size small.

Knit in SWTC bamboo, no that yarn won't knit to the pattern gauge but that's ok I did the math.

Size 3 needles for the body and size 2 for the yoke to tighten the row gauge.
Knit the pattern as written but kept going at the yoke for a few more inches and added 2 more decreas rows to raise the neck.

I love everything about the yarn. I love the waxy feeling, the crisp hand, the drape, and how it softens with washing.

I love everything about the sweater. I love the 4 inches of negative ease, the way the stripes curve around my neck, the way the body hangs.

I wash it as soon as I take it off just so I can wear it again.

1 comment:

Beverly said...

It looks great and like it fits perfectly. Isn't it nice to be completely satisfied with a project?