Saturday, February 20, 2016

Resource Management

The voice in my ear in Zombie, RUN!5K always tells me to take a day off after the easy runs and to take two days off when they are harder. Everything I know about exercising came from my three college exercise and health classes and they all said to work out 5-6 days a week.

I wondered about the days off and looked it up online. It took some searching but I came across a running site that gave the answer and also stated that the couch to 5k programs are horrible for loosing weight because running in burst makes people ravenous and they end up over eating. Yikes! I wasn't trying to lose weight but I sure didn't want to gain.

I quickly signed up for a free food diary calorie counting app on my phone. As I was setting it up it asked me if I wanted to gain weight, maintain, or lose. I thought "what the hell" and selected the lose option.

Now Zombie,RUN feeds a pedometer that counts my steps with the goal of 10,000 a day. That loads into Myfitnesspal where it calculates how much more I can eat that day. I enter the food, watch the numbers, macros, and the graphs and hoard calories for the weekend. Brilliant! And very satisfying.

3.5 weeks in and today my weight has fallen from obese to overweight on the old height/weight charts of my youth and from overweight to a healthy weight on the new.

In all the years that people tried to tempt me into upgrading my phone they would show me the games, dexterity games, puzzles, mind games, all fun but not anything that appealed to me enough to want it. Nobody told me it could be used to turn my life into a Euro Game.. And I've just lapped the board!

Running does not make me ravenous. Instead it makes me queasy and puts me off food for hours.

 Finn's update, since he is my personal trainer extraordinaire.
ebony antelope statue from when I liven in Africa
The flatten squirrels are gone now that warm weather is here and they have been replaced by a deer carcass at the Far park (Near park is across the street and Far park is almost two miles away). His only goal is get me to Far park so he can check on it. I feel like I'm living a combination of the epic quest of"Stand by Me" and the ick-fascinating "Bones"

Ending on a happier note, crocuses are in bloom today.

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