Tuesday, February 07, 2006


This morning I spun samples. This may be a first for me. I rarely spin with a project in mind. I made a loosely spun single and a tightly spun single and turned each into a 2 ply and a 3 ply yarn. I was surprised how much faster it was to spin the tightly spun single, but my wheel kept stalling on me. If it turns out that is the yarn I like best I will have to spend some time adjusting and making sure everything lines up perfectly before putting hours into spinning. Right now the wheel is adjusted for the loosely spun yarn. I feel like I am missing something because I think there shouldn't be so much adjusting when I change whorls. None of my other wheels needs this much adjusting. I might see if I can get the assembly video. It wasn't yet available when I got my wheel.

The samples washed and hanging to dry. I will then knit some swatches and have everything all set for Friday. I even have my spinning team button all picked out and photos. If you can't tell I still don't know how to post them. Maybe Himself will have time to help me tonight.

To hold me over until then I am knitting a random stripe, from the top, knit to fit sweater. The swatch is stunning but I'm irritated at the sweater. I'm not liking how the dice are falling and the metal needles hurt my hands. Ok so maybe I shouldn't knit for 3 hours at a time, but still. Also with 4 yarns stores in my area I should be able to get a size 2 bamboo needle, but Nooo. Ok whiny fit is over. I'll keep knitting until the olympics then I will decide how the sweater is turning out. It may be headed for the frog pond.

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