Monday, June 02, 2008

Summer Vacation

While I'm back now, I'm going to post one day at a time to keep the photos in check. This was a great vacations for photos and I did a little knitting too. The first day was all driving. We got up at 4am and drove until a late bed time.

There was a stop 5 hours in for some Kansas history

The rest of the day was spent counting trains.

and water towers, grain elevators, and windmills, but I don't have photos of them. I wish I had thought of getting a snap of the wind farms we past.

I knit a One Skein Wonder for the trip. I knit the first 3/4 over 2 days a week before leaving thinking I could finish the last 1/4 over the next 5 days and have it done in time to pack. Nope, I still had the last 1/6 to knit in the car. I finished it at the Grand Canyon and wore it, but sadly it looks stupid in those photos. This is a knit that only looks cute posing in the mirror. It looks so cute posing in the mirror that I will wear it again even thought I have proof that it doesn't look cute out and about. In fact, it looks down right weird in the photos.

The yarn is a cotton/rayon blend I bought for weaving years and years ago. I used a size 2 needle, cast on the smallest size and knit until it was big enough. The swatch skewed so the back is in seed stitch to stabilize the yarn. I have hopes that the skewing on the arms won't matter. After half a day wearing it stretched out of shape and I'm going to wash and dry it to shrink it up a bit.

I'm digging the bells sleeves. I made it by not decreasing the arms and adding 2 stitches after the elbow. I had no idea that 2 stitches would be all I needed at such a fine gauge. I also made the sleeves 3/4 in length because I hate how bell sleeves drag in food at the table. They are the best part of the shrug.

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