Monday, May 09, 2011

Wrapping it Up

Wild Abandon April is over.

It's been a great month of my Birthday, Fiber Retreat, and Doctor Who Swap. A month of doing and buying anything I wanted to. My purchases through the year are few and far between so I made sure and hit every shop that's important to me.
You see The Studio, Yarn Barn, and Webs in that pile. I also hit Knit Picks. Of course there has to be a stop at Dusty Bookshelf and I bought my first limited addition Tee Shirt from Ript. There is Eco + yarn in there along with Rowan, Noro, and Mission Falls. I ate out at my favorite Tia restaurant too. Maybe twice. And a mini blizzard from DQ.
Cotton Carders from a local fiber event KAWS where I took classes on spinning cotton and novelty yarn. I also bought naturals colored roving from local sheep, yarn made out of corn, and alpaca yarn spun at the only spinning mill in Kansas.

Yarn to knit scarves. After 10 years of not knitting scarves because they were too 'big and boring' I'm now knitting miles of scarves. Acres of scarves.At the Dusty Bookshelf I bought one book. When it's by Ursula K. Le Guin one book is all a person needs.

A tiny muffin tin since gluten free baking does better with a lot of wall surface area to cling too. Tiny muffins are all surface area. I didn't realize that half bites of cupcakes are addicting and I eat so very much more. But hey! It's Wild Abandon April so what's it matter?

And a complete impulse buy. After a spa night in February and conversation with friends on-line and off about nail polish I had a hankering to knit my toenails and make them all cute for my spinning classes. So I did.

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