Sunday, January 24, 2010

Iron Socks

No, make that Silver Socks... mmmmm..... silver glitter.....disco ball socks

I'm done. It feels like it took forever and that I was slow knitting them. However, I finished in the top 30% and Dude! I cast them on the 20th and today is the 24th! and I have a finished pair of socks!
The yarn is Kraemer Sterling Silk and Silver. I love Kraemer Yarns and this is no exception. It's made of 63% superwash merino, 20% silk, 15% nylon, and 2% real silver. With the silk and the nylon they should wear forever. The silver is so flashy, I can't get enough of it. I now want to knit all the Iron Knitter socks with this yarn and move to a world where glittery socks count as sexy underwear. It was a tiny bit splitty on the SSK and, as always, black is near impossible to see. I need to remember never to knit black in a contest again.

I was able to answer the quiz questions in half an hour. That first question was a tricky one. I cast on at 8:30pm Wed night. With the new job wiping me out I had only been able to knit on my lunch break and for about an hour at night before I went to bed.

That sliver is just over 2 inches long. That's where I was at 7 pm Friday night when I picked it up and started to seriously knit on the socks.

7 pm Saturday night had me at one sock finished and most of the cuff on the second.

Sunday at 2 pm I completely finished, toes kitchenered and ends tucked in and everything.

My second started and finished project of 2010.

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