Tuesday, January 01, 2013


More on the quest to decorate my apartment in Minimalist Kitsch on a shoestring budget.

I bought furniture.
At the end of summer I hit the clearance sales. And midnight one night I put in a Big Bang Theory DVD, brewed some coffee, and got down to assembling. 
and assembling
and assembling
by now I have a handful of blusterers and only the back is finished,
and assembling
and done. It smells wonderfully of fresh pine and folds flat. It's the best knitting chair. It reclines just right, has wide arms and I love it. I have plans of knitted cushions and a weathered gray or coffee brown stain once the fresh pine smell is gone. I love it. Silly, maybe, but I do.

Onto the couch (single sleeper futon).
so much packing and assembling.
This is more serviceable than love. I would like a real couch better. But this I was able to carry into a 3rd floor apartment all by myself, the cost was less than the couch, it's comfy enough to sleep on, and has the Japanese look for the minimalist aspect.

It was the right choice. Once I get the pillows made I may love it too.

I was tired and missed the photo of it with the futon. Maybe later.

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