Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Urge to Cast On

There is some sort of appreciation week at work so everyday has a theme. Tomorrow the theme is PINK! and HATS! so we are to wear pink or hats. Also the company is grilling us chili dogs and we are having a building wide food day with the request everyone brings a dessert.

So I'm sitting at my computer unwrapping candy caramel cups to bake inside of mini cupcakes looking at my stash spreadsheet to see if I have any pink yarn to knit a hat. Never mind that I just got home from work and have to be back there in 12 hours. Or that I already knit a pink hat this summer.

Barley in KnitPick City Tweed. City Tweed is a joy to work with. I want to knit a sweater from it some day.

Some fingerless mitts of my own design to match.

These are some hearty winter knits and I want a fashion hat. 

First the cupcakes then I'll do my nails in pink hoping the urge to cast on goes away. I could use some sleep tonight and it's not like I don't have several pink knit lace scarfs to choose from and they would all be perfect.

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