Thursday, August 13, 2009

Forward Progress

Last night at guild meeting I knitted back all the yarn I unravled from the gray hoodie. I noticed how much shorter it knit this time. Yes, it should be shorter because I am making it wider but that much shorter? Anyway, I joined new yarn and am cruising to the finish.

However, that yarn does nothing to my stash containment problem since it's been in a tote bag for months now. I started a new sweater with the lavender yarn sitting on the top of the dresser.

Pattern Wonderful Wallaby knit out of Beaverslide, the old 2 ply, the color Woodvoilet. I am knitting this sweater huge for layering. I'm imagining brisk October walks bundled up in it's woolly goodness.

I like this yarn. Too bad it's been changed for a new smoother 3ply. I'm guessing the new smoother 3 ply will make more knitters happy since it looks stronger. This yarn pulls apart. I forgive it that because of the yeasty bread dough texture of the knitting and the final sweater. I love it.

My ceiling is leaking.
It's been leaking for most of the summer now. I've been complaining about it to the property manager most of the summer now too. Just yesterday it seems that maybe something is being done about it. There is now globs of tar splatted like bird poo on my deck . sigh.
But this is what is leaking out of the hole. I just hope that it gets fixed soon.

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